Monday, May 15, 2006

Inquiring Minds Want to Know

Lots going on in life. Here's the Reader's Digest version:
  • Only 13 more teaching days of school left. My first year is almost over!
  • Our school is definitely going independent next year, which is great!
  • We still don't know exactly where the school will be located, which is stressful!
  • We've been having crazy rains here. Tons of roads are washed out or flooded and therefore closed. I have somewhat of an idea of how Noah felt.
  • I start my first graduate class at Penn State's online campus on the 24th. I'm excited/nervous.
  • Jay & I are going to see the Sox play in 2 weeks (the rain better have stopped by then)!
  • At the beginning of July I'm road-tripping down to PA with Jay (hopefully) to attend Brian & Jackie's wedding!!!
Well kiddos, that's about it for now. I'll keep you updated if anything else exciting happens!


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