Sunday, November 03, 2002

I don't know what it is, but the coolest things happen to Emily & I on Sundays. Perhaps they fumigate our room with crack.
*Emily and I both decide to do work
*We yell at my CD player, which doesn't seem to want to play anything but Incubus (mental note: buy a CD cleaner at Wal-Mart)
*Neither accomplishes much work since we both stop every 30 seconds or so to check email, websites, away messages, etc.
*Emily goes to do laundry; I sit on my bed trying to write a story
*I use some lotion because my skin is dry
*Emily complains of the smell
*Emily gives me dryer sheets to sniff
*Elizabeth IMs break!
*I decide that I have the attention span of an ADD goldfish
*Elizabeth decides to "ask Jeeves" just how long that is
*Normal goldfish (is it fish or fishes?) have an attention span of 3-9 seconds, depending on the source you check
*Emily makes a poster for Becca
*It is pink with green butterflies and balloons
*The room smells so strong it's dizzying
*We start laughing uncontrollably
*Emily starts chucking happy meal sized stuffed animals at me
*Bored with that, she starts throwing them at the ceiling
*Ceiling tile falls in her eyes
*She starts playing catch with herself
*I put up like 8 away messages in 3 minutes about all the crazy stuff going on in our room
*Becca & Malinda each come over to find out what all the fun commotion going on is
*We laugh some more, and decide maybe to do work
*The dryer sheet affect begins to wear off
*Emily gets out her Civ Arts and reads
*I type this instead because, well, the goldfish thing was already addressed
*Emily laughs over her mispronunciation of Abbot Suger (soo-jey) for sugar
*She eats a smartie for consolation


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