Well it's that time again kiddos. That's right, the time when my dear roomy starts whining for a new post to entertain her. Well I started writing a post about last weekend and how half the guys in youth group nearly killed themselves sledding and Dani, JamieSue and I all went to McDonalds in our pjs. But that got boring pretty quick. So since I'm feeling lazy, this is an interactive post (which means that it will be boring cause most of you are too scared to comment even though you read my website all the time...I know who you are!). So what should I write about next? Think of it as like me finally conforming to al those stupid reality tv shows that is always polling the audience. Or just think of it as me being too lazy to write about semi-exciting happenings in my life, cause it's true.
Erin's Journal: a glimpse into the life of me!
To all you viewing, welcome! This site will mostly be a place where I will share reflections and strange happenings through the journey of my life as well as song lyrics and poetry (both by myself and others). Feel free to add your own comments, suggestions, etc. Happy reading!
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