Tuesday, November 26, 2002

A little tip for Grove City College trustees. Don't name things yourselves! Get help...people from the outside world. C'mon...we're nerds...creativity is not our strength!
The reason for my little outburst is a recent email I received regarding the naming of our new building for most of the liberal arts classes. Up until now it has been known as "NAB" (New Accademic Building). Creative, eh? Well, that doesn't sound too bad compared to the official name. For a while they were advertising the opportunity to name classrooms or the actual building through donations (for $75,000 you could have a classroom named after you and for a mere $5 million, the building was yours to name). But the college has given up hope on that, and has taken matters into it's own hands. The new accademic building that is replacing Calderwood will be called.....drumroll please.....The Calderwood Hall of Arts & Letters. C'mon people! I know we're not the most exciting college in the world, but couldn't we be at least a little creative?


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