Monday, April 14, 2003

Vacation post 4-14-03
Well, today was an interesting day. I slept till 11:30 and Malinda was up around 10. It was the most sleep both of us have gotten in a loooooong time. We tried to be productive. We wanted to be productive. Yet somehow...we failed miserably! The time just sort of ran away from us...we're not really sure what happened. I read some depressing Am Lit selections and Malinda searched the internet twice over for a good case study for her Psyc class (no luck so far). We picked up my car, which now has fully-functional brakes. On the way back, I saw Mom getting lost, yet she still managed to beat us back home...go figure! We went for a nice walk before dinner, and even displayed our explorer side through a brief detour in the woods. After dinner we looked through Renee's pictures from her trip to Jamaica (14 rolls, 360 pictures, all in 7 days...Mike, I think she has you beat...although no grass pictures). Lots of laughs and such tonight. We watched Finding Forrester and were semi-productive as well.

However, the day was not lacking in drama! Malinda says I'm her new hero now. I was sitting here checking my email, minding my own business when suddenly I hear "Erin, I think you should come over here." I walk towards the kitchen where I see Malinda intently staring at a spot in the middle of the floor. As I rounded the counter, I realized that there was a spider the size of a half dollar calmly chilling on the floor. Malinda was hoping that she was halucinating or that it was dead. However, I had just walked through the kitchen not five minutes earlier and knew that this could not be the case. Spiders freak me out. They are just gross and should not be allowed in NH. And to be honest with you (don't tell Malinda I said this), I think she's bringing all these bugs up here. This is the third bug encounter we've had in 2 days. And with the increase in size, I'm nervous for what tomorrow's events hold. But I digress... So I knew that Malinda wouldn't kill the spider and I wasn't going to chance it sitting still while I woke Dad up. So I took a glass from a cabinet and slowly walked around to behind the spider. Then I attempted to close the glass over the spider. It moved at the last minute, but I still managed to get it without suffering mortal wounds or a heart attack. So at that point we had a spider under a glass in the middle of our kitchen floor! I grabbed a piece of computer paper and slid it under the glass, creating a type of container. With Malinda's help I brought it outside and threw the spider and paper into the bushes by the porch. The paper is still out there. I'm not getting it back! So now we're terrified to sleep and I'm beginning to consider Emily's theory on spider family revenge a bit more seriously. Who knows what tomorrow holds!


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