Friday, November 29, 2002

Workus Refusus, or "Senioritis," as it is more commonly known as, is a dangerous but often overlooked virus in the young people of America. Often infecting high schoolers in their Junior or Senior year, it causes unknown damage to both the grades and career chances of many unsuspecting victims. Measures such as limiting study halls and creating required Senior classes have been taken to curb the affects of the disease. However, recent research has shown that we may be dealing with a far greater force than we realized. Studies reveal that the Senioritis virus will often lay dormant in the home environment even after the teenager has vacated the area for higher learning. Upon re-entry to this environment, the unsuspecting victim is attacked again with a renewed force. Take myself as an example. Ambitious goals were set for this week-long break. I had three books to read, topping over 1,000 pages. One book needs to be read by this next Tuesday. On top of that, there is a 5 page paper due next Thursday (which will be a good portion of my grade). My my ambitions were no match for the virus, which runs particularly strong in my household. On my 6th day home, just 50 measly pages have been read (not even an hour's worth of work). Even this article--informative and eye-opening--is merely a disguise to rob myself of 15 precious reading minutes. And on that note, I am ending this post. I certainly hope you have kept up-to-date on your antibiotics this holiday season.


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