Yay for friends who give great back rubs!
Katie's coming to visit this weekend!!!
To all you viewing, welcome! This site will mostly be a place where I will share reflections and strange happenings through the journey of my life as well as song lyrics and poetry (both by myself and others). Feel free to add your own comments, suggestions, etc. Happy reading!
I have been writing the word "catalog" more than usual lately (see my second topic) and I couldn't figure out for the life of me why the word looked funny. As an English teacher with a tendency toward spelling errors, I'm usually paranoid about these sorts of things. (Side note: being a poor speller makes you a walking thesaurus--when you don't know how to spell a word, often times you just search your brain for a synonym you do know how to spell). In any case, I sat pondering the word "catalog" today until I finally figured out my problem. I had spelled it in the English form, "catalogue." I already spell theater "theatre" out of habit from seeing my Shakespeare professor do so countless times. I'm sure there are other words I mess up. I am becoming my worst nightmare...those snotty English majors who think they're too good for even American English! Pretty soon I'm going to be throwing in obscure Faulkner references into everyday conversations (God help us all then)! These are the kinds of people we made fun of as English Ed. majors...those English "purists" who were too good to consider teaching the masses their vast quantities of literary knowledge and vocabulary prowess. Hopefully this is not me; hopefully I'm just a transatlantically poor speller instead of just a poor speller. (And yes, I just made up the word "transatlantically." When you're a teacher you can do those kinds of things. Jealous now English majors, aren't you?!)