Sunday, December 17, 2006

PC has gone too far...

I'm all for wishing people other season's greetings in addition to Merry Christmas, but there comes a point when we have taken things too far, all in the name of political correctness.

Today I heard such an example. I was enjoying the Christmas music on one of the local radio stations when it went to commercials. A commercial came on, using a Santa theme for their message. But what was Santa saying? Certainly not "Merry Christmas!" Oh no, that wouldn't be right! Santa was saying "Ho, ho, ho! Happy Holidays!" Now correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't Santa only come into the Christmas story?! Does Santa really need to be all-inclusive in his festive greetings? That's like expecting the Easter bunny to recognize Mother's Day in all of its cards, etc. Is common sense really that rare a commodity these days?!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

My teacher friends will understand

The month of December is a very long month in the teaching profession. The combination of possible first snow, lots of candy, unusual schedules for concert practices, and the anticipation of days off and many presents makes kids go crazy. Throw in a full moon, and you've got teachers running around mad (case in point, as I was just typing, I spelled the word "and" "amdny" before noticing my loss of typing skills).

In any case, I'm using my free period to try to finish my final reading assignment for my curriculum course, since I know I won't be able to productively plan excellent lessons at this mental state. I have been reading the following sentence for five minutes now, and I'm still not sure what they're talking about. Why must educators use such popus language when they know how delicate a state our minds are in most of the time?!

In discussing the issue of dialogue between religious and secular persons to find a middle ground to discuss the ethical viewpoint of our school systems: "It seems to me you are reifying the state into a monolithic Orwellian dictator. That's a terribly undialectical view."